Secure your visitor badge

Welcome to Tyrexpo Asia 2024, your one-stop for Tyres, Automotive Repair & Maintenance, and Tyre Accessories.

To unlock business opportunities and learning insights, Tyrexpo Asia 2024 are free to attend for visitor registration

As a visitor, you will gain exclusive access to:

  • Connect with 100+ exhibitors over three days and discover the latest product innovation and technologies across the show floor

  • Business matchmaking programme and prepare for your visit ahead of time

  • Retreading Conference, stay up to date with global key industry leaders and how it can propel your business to newer heights.

  • Tyre Business Forum, gain insights into the future of tyre

Intending to purchase products during Tyrexpo Asia 2024?

The Tyrexpo Asia Hosted Buyer programme selects pre-qualified decision makers to attend Tyrexpo Asia 2024, based on their interest to do business. Buyers will be required to partake in the Business Matchmaking programme, which is a series of dedicated meetings with exhibitors based on common business interests. Meetings will be arranged pre-event through our online platform, and business meetings will be hosted in the buyer lounge at the show.

What will you receive?

  • Flight travel costs to be covered by the organisers

  • Complimentary accommodation nearby to the venue for up to three days

  • Exclusive access to the Buyers Lounge to facilitate meetings

 Interested in becoming a hosted buyer?

Apply here